Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yearly Thanksgiving Post

This is a year for which there is much to be thankful. Just take a look below!

Nothing says "I'm so grateful" like breaking a $6k bike into several pieces.

True gratitude is spending the day at the Las Vegas Zoo. "That's just a homeless man dressed as a turtle. Quit staring or he'll start asking for us to feed him more giblets out of the vending machine!"

I'm thankful that I was able to be the Invisible Man for Halloween. Or was it Absentee Father? I forget. 

When he's not at Target buying diapers and cigarettes, Kirkham is grateful to help his family by selling newspapers on the street. Just don't make him mad!

"What do you mean there's no Santa Claus?" I'm thankful that it's still funny to make little kids cry by hitting them with a hefty dose of reality. "Oh, and thanks to my generation, you'll be working the rest of your a mall Santa!" 

And someone gives much thanks for mountain bikes. Seriously. I'm thinking of getting the word "TREK" tattooed across my chest just to see if I get ridden a little bit. Too far? Maybe. But who reads this blog besides me on Thanksgiving? 

Here's to another year! Cheers!!!