Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Yearly Thanksgiving Post

This is a year for which there is much to be thankful. Just take a look below!

Nothing says "I'm so grateful" like breaking a $6k bike into several pieces.

True gratitude is spending the day at the Las Vegas Zoo. "That's just a homeless man dressed as a turtle. Quit staring or he'll start asking for us to feed him more giblets out of the vending machine!"

I'm thankful that I was able to be the Invisible Man for Halloween. Or was it Absentee Father? I forget. 

When he's not at Target buying diapers and cigarettes, Kirkham is grateful to help his family by selling newspapers on the street. Just don't make him mad!

"What do you mean there's no Santa Claus?" I'm thankful that it's still funny to make little kids cry by hitting them with a hefty dose of reality. "Oh, and thanks to my generation, you'll be working the rest of your a mall Santa!" 

And someone gives much thanks for mountain bikes. Seriously. I'm thinking of getting the word "TREK" tattooed across my chest just to see if I get ridden a little bit. Too far? Maybe. But who reads this blog besides me on Thanksgiving? 

Here's to another year! Cheers!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011



this is the only picture that you can tell that there are actual people in it.
next year i will learn how to use the lens before christmas.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

One Post per Year

In keeping with tradition, here's the yearly blog post to keep this site active. (The day before the Thanksgiving holiday is a little slow around here.)

A lot can happen in a year. We contributed well over 600 diapers to local landfills. You can thank this little guy...

and his healthy appetite for stuff that your body just doesn't digest...
as well as an unquenchable thirst for the good stuff.

And any year wouldn't be complete without snake-handling,
giant pancakes,
 and Erica racing her mountain bike.

Until next time...

Monday, November 23, 2009

Photo Summary of the Past Couple of Months

Extended stay at grandma's house. Clearly unhappy, wishing that it was 85 degrees in his bedroom at night.
Vegas style petting zoo. With all state funding driven away from education, the arts and, of course, petting zoos, patrons are required to touch feral animals at their own risk. Apparently, Vegas doesn't have the money for goats and other child-friendly animals. It does, however, have money for roller coasters 1,200 feet off the ground.

Halloween. Kirkham is a monkey. And, yes, that is a banana in his pocket...
Tahoe Trip. An early winter storm hit the Sierra Nevadas. Kirkham was not impressed.

A great place for lunch. This sandwich shop originally hails from Aspen, CO. It's now in Vegas. It's yummy.
Kirkham at what appears to be some sort of body of water.
The Park.
Birthday. Great food and great presents.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

All about Ian & Margo?


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Laughing Baby

Thursday, April 2, 2009

St. George - Center of the Universe

Stacey and Taylor played the perfect hosts for us last weekend at Casa Reese. Kirkham had a blast playing on the soft carpet and watching cartoons with cousin Jack. He slept better than he's ever slept and was a happy camper all day long. Kirkham had his own bedroom with a ceiling fan and private bathroom. Now when he wakes up he just shakes his head in disappointment; no ceiling fan, no private bathroom and I think our carpet gives him a rash. Oh, just wait for summer, tiny Kirkham. Little does he know just how hot it gets upstairs in our home. Right Stacey?

On Saturday we took the kiddos on a hike in Zion. Kirkham is behind me in the backpack and Jack was in the Chariot. Zion is a reverent place and arms must be folded at all times.

Kirkham managed to peek out of his pack when we stopped at the lodge to take a break. Kirkham's halo of hair is shining brightly. We were in Zion after all...

Finally out of his Cordura prison, Kirkham was able to strip down and enjoy some sunshine with Erica. Kirkham is in the 90th percentile for height and 50th for weight, according to his latest visit with the pediatrician. As you can see, he's almost as tall as Erica, all legs.

Erica is a great mom and loves to take small little nibbles out of Kirkham's neck. Stacey is the great photographer who captured this all on film. Taylor was off being a fun dad with Jack. And I was content to just sit there and make Twilight jokes. I'm awesome!

This is Kirkham's windblown look. He doesn't have a lot of hair, but what he does have adds plenty of personality.

Sadly, the only two differences between Kirkham and me are that I rarely grab myself in public and I almost never drool while doing so. The whole looking down at it while doing it is something I still do. And, yes, my toes still curl if I do it just right...